Fatbobman’s Swift Weekly #049 | Innovation Comes in Many Forms

fatbobman ( 东坡肘子)
5 min readSep 16, 2024


Weekly Comment

Graphics by Vincenz Lee | GadgetMatch

Innovation Comes in Many Forms

Just hours after Apple released the iPhone 16, Huawei introduced the Mate XT at its own product launch, marking the world’s first mass-produced triple-folding smartphone. The device instantly captivated attention with its unique design and intricate mechanical structure.

In recent years, Apple’s iPhone series has undergone minimal aesthetic changes, rendering the Mate XT’s arrival a breath of fresh air, and immediately highlighting an innovation in form factor. However, after the initial excitement subsided, some began to question: Given its high price and the inherent limitations of foldable screens, is the Mate XT merely innovating for the sake of innovation, offering little practical value to the average consumer?

As a company severely affected by sanctions, Huawei has faced substantial challenges. With chip manufacturing capabilities constrained, Huawei’s mobile devices have not matched the computing power and energy efficiency of the world’s leading equipment. In this context, launching products with unique and talk-worthy features is undoubtedly a smart marketing strategy. However, Huawei didn’t just stop with gimmicks; they have pushed the envelope in materials, manufacturing processes, software adaptation, and more, carving out an effective route for innovation despite significant restrictions.

As breakthroughs in manufacturing processes emerge over the next few years, Huawei is poised to reach a level of computing power and energy efficiency on par with leading mainstream brands, complemented by the maturation of its native HarmonyOS and its development ecosystem. At that point, Huawei is likely to further demonstrate its innovative capabilities across various domains, allowing more consumers to directly experience the fruits of innovation.

Turning to Apple, despite the high degree of similarity between recent iPhone generations and only incremental annual performance enhancements, Apple has continued to forge ahead, particularly in imaging capabilities, with a strong emphasis on video. As network speeds have surged and the cost of cloud storage has plummeted, video is increasingly becoming the preferred medium for documenting life and expressing oneself, with the potential to reshape our lifestyle and work modalities. When this transformation reaches a tipping point, the once negligible “micro-innovations” will unleash astounding potential. Apple’s sustained focus on video technology is set to culminate in a landmark innovation, likely as impactful as the original iPhone, which seamlessly integrated an iPod, a browser, and a phone. In time, the emerging technology of spatial video capture and display is expected to solidify its place as another robust component of Apple’s ecosystem.

Innovation manifests in varied forms; some instantly captivate users, while others require time to manifest their true value. Both Huawei and Apple continue to introduce market-acclaimed products, leveraging their respective market conditions, technological reserves, and traditional strengths, showcasing formidable innovation and integration capabilities. In the ever-evolving technological landscape, innovation remains the pivotal force driving progress.

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fatbobman ( 东坡肘子)

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