Fatbobman’s Swift Weekly #051 | Xcode Is Not Alone

fatbobman ( 东坡肘子)
5 min readSep 30, 2024


Weekly Comment

Xcode Is Not Alone

After JetBrains announced the discontinuation of updates for AppCode, many developers worried that Xcode would lack competition, lose the motivation to grow, and that there would be fewer alternatives for developing Swift projects. However, with the continuous improvement of the plugin provided by the Swift Server Work Group for VSCode, and the emergence of AI editors like Cursor the ecosystem of Swift development tools is quietly changing. Now, developing Swift projects on VSCode or Cursor is becoming not only increasingly easy but also a better experience.

In the past week, I tried a new way of working: I opened the same project simultaneously in Xcode, VSCode, and Cursor, frequently switching between them. This approach not only allowed me to leverage the unique advantages of each editor but also improved my mood through visual changes (such as different layouts and theme colors), effectively helping me overcome challenges in development.

Unlike AppCode, strictly speaking, VSCode (Cursor) and Xcode are not in direct competition. On one hand, VSCode fills the gap for developing Swift code outside the Apple ecosystem, while both bring additional conveniences to developers within the Apple ecosystem. For instance, in my experience, their AI predictions, flexible and powerful plugin ecosystems, ability to edit special project files (such as hidden files), and Git management features serve as strong supplements to Xcode’s limitations.

Nonetheless, Xcode’s position in the Apple development ecosystem remains unshakable. Many resource files can only be visually edited in Xcode, and only Xcode can automatically perform necessary conversions and packaging during compilation. Additionally, personally speaking, perhaps due to long-term use, I find Xcode’s UI presentation when editing code to be the most comfortable and efficient for me.

A mature programming language and development ecosystem need to offer developers diverse choices. This not only allows developers to select the most suitable tools based on personal preferences and project requirements but also fosters healthy competition among these tools, promoting mutual improvement. In the long run, this trend towards diversification will bring more possibilities to Swift developers: we may see more innovative development tools emerge, existing tools continually enhance their features, and even Xcode itself may accelerate its development under such influence.

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fatbobman ( 东坡肘子)

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